Report Abuse

Report a Security Concern

At WealthPark, we are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our users. If you encounter any security issues, abuse, or misuse of our platform, please report them to us immediately.

How to Report a Security Concern

If you see or experience anything that seems wrong or harmful on our platform, please let us know. You can report these issues by emailing us at:

Email: (or submit the form below)

When you write to us, it will be helpful if you provide the following information.

Our Commitment

We take all reports seriously and will work hard to investigate and resolve any issues. Your help in keeping our platform safe is very important to us.

Thank you for helping us maintain a secure and reliable service.

    Your information will be used for checking and answering for the inquiry. Please check our privacy policy and check the checkbox if you consent the handling.

    Please agree to the terms of use / privacy policy.