Notice of Application Top Screen Design Modification

We are pleased to announce that we have decided to revamp the top screen of the application in response to the feedback we have received from owners.

What is the new top screen…?

As soon as you open the application, you will be able to check the property’s occupancy status and income/expense information in an easy-to-understand graph.Each Item nams will be changed to make the application easier for anyone to understand at a glance.Property management companies will also be notified by displaying the “To-Do List” (tentative) banner on the top page, making it easier for owners to understand. (The “To-Do List” is scheduled for release in the second phase around spring 2023.)


The renovation will be conducted in phases, with the second phase scheduled for spring 2023.


※Please note that the design contents and release date are subject to change.


An online seminar for owners will be held on January 10 at 7:00 p.m. to announce and explain this change.

Application form for the seminarHERE

Contact to WealthPark Support Center こちら


Inquiry about the application

    Enter "none" if you do not know the name of property.
    If you own multiple properties, please enter the representative property.


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    ID: W001234 (taro_wealth)

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